AUTHORS: — Peter Stacey, Taekhee Lee, Andrew Thorpe, Paul Roberts, Gillian Frost and Martin Harper JOURNAL: — : YEAR: — Synopsis : -Prolonged exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) causes silicosis and is also considered a cause of cancer....
Authors: Journal:INRS of France publication YEAR: 1990 Synopsis : This is a comprehensive description of CIP 10, function, mode of operation, calibration, verification,a nd validation. Description of the aerosol fractions (Inhalable, Thoracic, and Respirable) of dust,...
AUTHORS: — EUN GYUNG LEE, MARTIN HARPER, JOHN NELSON, PATRICK J. HINTZ and MICHAEL E. ANDREW JOURNAL: — : YEAR: — Synopsis : – Several recommendations have been made to the effect that the most appropriate health-based size-selective criterion...
Editorial Comment:- The inhalable selector described herein, has been redesigned in 2006 to better follow the ISO/CEN/ACGIH inhalable aerosol fraction Synopsis : Member states of the CEN (Comite Europeen de Normalisation) voted a new European standard EN481 titled...