Authors: Daren J. Caruana Journal: Analyst, 2011, 136, 4641 YEAR: 2011 –COMMENT:- Great review on sampling of Bioaerosols. Author discusses the short comings of filter samplers for viable aero-sols, and also explains the advantage of cyclonic based samplers...
Authors: Wijnand Eduard,* Dick Heederik, Caroline Duchainee and Brett James Green. Journal: –J. Environ. Monit., 2012, 14, 334 YEAR: 2011 COMMENT:- — Good review of analytical methods for bio-aerosols. No specific mention of CIP 10M ABSTRACT:- Louis...
Authors: G. Cao, J. D. Noti,* F. M. Blachere, W. G. Lindsley and D. H. Beezhold Journal: –J. Environ. Monit, 2011, 13, 3321 YEAR: 2011 COMMENT:- — The NIOSH sampler has good performance data, however it only samples at 3.4 L per minute and is not very...
AUTHORS: — Igor E. Agranovski Alex.S. Safatov JOURNAL: — Clean , 36 (10-11) 845-849 2008 YEAR: — 2008 ABSTRACT:-A new personal bioaerosol sampler, which was found suitable for continuous long term (up to 8 h) monitoring of airborne bacteria,...