Synopsis : This is a comprehensive History and development of the CIP 10. The paper briefly summarizes the development and evolution of the CIP 10, a standard sampler for gravimetric analysis general Dust, Coal Dust and Respirable silica by XRAY...
Authors: Peter Görner,* Jean-Francois Fabriès, Philippe Duquenne, Olivier Witschger and Richard Wrobel (2005) Journal: Abstract The CIP 10 personal aerosol sampler was first developed by Courbon for sampling the respirable fraction of mining dust. This respirable...
AUTHORS: — TAEKHEE LEE, EUN GYUNG LEE, SEUNG WON KIM,WILLIAM P. CHISHOLM, MICHAEL KASHON and MARTIN HARPER JOURNAL: — : YEAR: — Synopsis : A laboratory study was performed to measure quartz in coal dust using high-flow rate sam¬plers (CIP10-R, GK2.69...
Authors: M. ZITTER • B. Mahfeu • E. De Surgy • G. Auburtin • A. Mas Journal: Excerpted from a book “Instrumentation For Dust measurement” YEAR: 1993 Synopsis : According to French regulations, level of coal dust exposure in each underground working mine,...
AUTHORS: — Taekhee Lee, Martin Harper, Michael Kashon, Larry A.Lee, Catherine B.Healy, Marie A.Coggins, Pam Susi and Andrew O’Brien JOURNAL: — : YEAR: — Synopsis : High and low flow rate respirable size selective samplers including the CIP 10R (10 l...